
This page contains information about our researchers. Information about our student research assistants can be found on their page.

Louisiana Tech University

Joan Lynam, PhD
CY1-LTU-OU-LSU-01: Replacing Fossil Fuel Based Asphalt Binder with Sustainable Lignin Binder from Wastes
Email Dr. Lynam

Oklahoma State University

Jaime Schussler, PhD, CPESC
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for Climate Resilient Culverts
Email Dr. Schussler

Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Brienne Glover, J.D.
CY1-TAMU-02 - Risk Assessment of Port Infrastructure Considering Uncertainty in Coastal Forcing and Climate Change Impact
Email Dr. Glover

Garrett Dorsett, M.S.
CY1-TTI-01 - Integration and Deployment of Novel Tools for Rapid Assessment of Pavement Conditions and Remaining Life
Email Garrett

Puneet Bhaskar, Ph.D.
CY1-TTI-02 - Multifunctional Geosynthetic-Based Stabilization to Increase Coastal Infrastructure Resilience 
Email Dr. Baskar

Texas A&M University

Maria Koliou, PhD
Email Dr. Koliou

Arash Noshadravan, PhD 
CY1-TAMU-02: Risk Assessment of Port Infrastructure Considering Uncertainty in Coastal Forcing and Climate Change Impact
Email Dr. Noshadravan

Nripojyoti Biswas, PhD, EIT
CY-TAMU-UTEP-01: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Durability of Sustainable Pavement Recycling and Stabilization Using Novel Materials
Email Dr. Biswas

University of Arkansas

Andrew Braham, PhD, PE
(CY1-OSU-R2.5) Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilient Culverts
Email Dr. Braham

Cameron Murray, PhD, PE
CY1-UARK-LSU-01: Advanced Environment-Friendly Concrete Materials for Rapid Infrastructure Repair and Rehabilitation
Email Dr. Murray

University of New Mexico

Fernando Moreu. PhD
Increasing Understanding of Climate Emergencies and Enhancing Safety of Rural and Tribal Areas using Wireless Smart Sensors and Human-Environment-Data Interfaces using Augmented Reality (AR)
Email Dr. Moreu

Maryam Hojati, PhD
CY1-UNM-02: Internal Curing of 3D Printed Engineering Cementitious Composites: Paving the Way for Sustainable and Durable Infrastructure in the Southwest Climates  
Email Dr. Hojati

University of Oklahoma

Derek Rosendahl, Ph.D.
Email Dr. Rosendahl

Hernan Suarez, PhD
Surface Penetration and Imaging for Infrastructure Inspection Using Radar Sensors as UAS Payload
Email Dr. Suarez

Renee McPherson, Ph.D.
SPTC Co-Director
Email Dr. McPherson

Royce Floyd, Ph.D., P.E., S.E.
:CY1-OU-04: Bond Performance of Advanced Environmentally Friendly Concrete Materials for Rapid Infrastructure Repair and Rehabilitation
Email Dr. Floyd

Shreya Vemuganti, PhD
CY1-OU-03: Durability Assessment of Binders with Interlayer Reinforcement for 3D Printed Elements
Email Dr. Vemuganti

Rockee Zhang. PhD
CY1-OU-02: Surface Penetration and Imaging for Infrastructure Inspection Using Radar Sensors and UAS Payload
Email Dr. Zhang

Syed Ashik Ali, PhD.
CY1-OU-OSU-TTI-06: Rapid Assessment of Network-Level Pavement Conditions using Novel Tools
Email Dr. Ali

University of Texas at El Paso

Adeeba A. Raheem, PhD, ENV SP, OSHA Master Trainer
CY1-UTEP-03:Assessing Building Information Modeling (BIM) Maturity and Identifying Barriers to Implementation among Transportation Agencies in Region 6
Email Dr. Raheem

Rajib B. Mallick, PhD, PE, FASCE
CY1-TAMU-UTEP-01: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Durability of Sustainable Pavement Recycling and Stabilization Using Novel Materials
Email Dr. Mallick

Jeffrey Weidner, Ph.D. 
CY1-UTEP-03: Assessing Building Information Modeling (BIM) Maturity and Identifying Barriers to Implementation among Transportation Agencies in Region 6
Email Dr. Weidner

Miguel Montoya, PhD
CY1-UTEP-02: Investigation of Hot Mix Asphalt Aging Effect on Mechanical Properties of Mixes Based on their Binder Performance Results
Email Dr. Montoya

Soheil Nazarian, PhD, PE, DGE
:CY1-TAMU-UTEP-01: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction and Durability of Sustainable Pavement Recycling and Stabilization Using Novel Materials
Email Dr. Nazarian