Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center
November 13, 2015
Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center
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Abstract: Dr. Atorod Azizinamini, P.E., is Professor, Chairperson of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and Director of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) University Transportation Center (UTC) at Florida International University. At the present, he is leading several research projects related to ABC.
Atorod has developed several bridge engineering products and systems that are being used nationally and internationally. Among the bridge systems that he has developed is Folded Steel Plate Bridge System that is being used in several states, including 13 short span (less than 60 ft.) bridges that will be constructed, using ABC, in Pennsylvania in 2016.
Under SHRP2 R19A he led the development of the first and most comprehensive document worldwide and devoted to service life design of bridges. This document is now being implemented by AASHTO and FHWA.
Bio: Dr. Azizinamini received his B.S. with Distinction from University of Oklahoma and was Distinguished College of Engineering Professor and Director of National Bridge Research Organization at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, before joining Florida International University in January 2011. He has received number of national awards, including: 2015 White House Champion of Change, Transportation Innovator, 2011 American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), Special Achievement Award and several bridge innovation awards. Atorod has served as consultants on major bridge engineering initiatives including service life design of Tappan Zee Bridge in New York. He is a registered professional engineer in Nebraska and Montana.