Boosting Pavement Resilience in a Changing Climate
December 16, 2020
Boosting Pavement Resilience in a Changing Climate
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Presented by: Greg Dean
Abstract: Independent of the recent election results, there is an expectation that resilience will play a larger role of how our nation’s infrastructure is funded, designed and maintained in the future. Along with the ongoing pandemic, calendar year 2020 will also be remembered for the record number of named storm events in the Atlantic Ocean. The presentation will provide a (concrete industry) perspective on pavement resilience. The first part will explore the importance of addressing resiliency in pavement design and material selection. The second part will present the tools available that will enable local agencies to better withstand and preserve one’s pavement assets against future severe weather events. Although hydraulic solutions will continue to play a key role toward improving infrastructure resilience, transportation agencies must have other strategies in their tool box to cost-effectively maintain their pavement assets. More robust paving materials and designs are now being used to harden one’s system. These should not be viewed in terms of being either asphalt or concrete, but should viewed as a system of tools that will help slow deterioration when subgrades and base layers are more frequently exposed to moist conditions. The final portion of the presentation will share best practices that an agency may wish to consider while designing new pavement sections or evaluating future rehabilitation options. This portion will also help participants identify some missing “research” pieces that would enable local governments to better adapt to a changing environment.
Bio: Greg Dean, the Executive Director of the Carolinas Concrete Paving Association has responsibilities that include the marketing of concrete pavements for both Highway and Airport applications within North and South Carolina. He currently serves on the American Concrete Pavement Association’s Engineering and Design committee and recently participated in the FHWA peer exchange on pavement resiliency. In 2017, Greg served as the Chapter-State Committee Chairman on the ACPA Board of Directors. Prior to becoming Executive Director, Greg served as the Airport Director for the ACPA-SE Chapter. These years permitted establishment of professional relationships with the FAA Southern Region, FAA Airport District Offices, Southeastern State Aeronautic Agencies, and consultants who specialize in airport project development and airfield pavement design. It was during this time period that he began witnessing airfield pavements in low-lying areas inundated with water following storm events, and began advocating for concrete overlay strategies that would better withstand the negative impacts of prolonged base and subgrade saturation.