Feasibility of Using Sustainable Materials in Asphalt Pavements
November 27, 2018
Feasibility of Using Sustainable Materials in Asphalt Pavements
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Presented by: Dr. Rouzbeh Ghabchi
Abstract: In view of its extensive scale, substantial economic impact, and societal significance, the transportation system remains among the most impactful sectors when it comes to sustainability. Recycling construction materials, repurposing and reusing waste, and designing new sustainable materials and production techniques are the elements of transportation sector’s short-term and long-term response to the emerging environmental and economic challenges. Motivations for using sustainable materials include economic savings, environmental benefits, and sustainable growth. It reduces the demand for non-renewable natural resources (both asphalt binders and aggregates) and thereby reduces the energy and emissions associated with the production and transportation of these materials. This workshop aims at summarizing the findings and progress of a number of studies conducted or being conducted on using sustainable materials in asphalt pavements. More specifically, studies conducted on using reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), recycled asphalt shingles (RAS), warm mix asphalt (WMA), recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) from water bottles, and bio-materials in construction of asphalt pavements will be discussed. Contents of this workshop are expected to be helpful for pavement professionals and others interested in the sustainability of transportation infrastructure.