Helios - How Re-purposing Existing Infrastructure Sensors in the Age of the Internet of Things and Machine Learning is Improving the Way Transportation and Business Combats Weather Interruptions
September 25, 2018
Helios - How Re-purposing Existing Infrastructure Sensors in the Age of the Internet of Things and Machine Learning is Improving the Way Transportation and Business Combats Weather Interruptions
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Presenter: Eric M. Dixon, Senior Project Manager, Harris Corporation/Space and Intelligence Systems
ABSTRACT: What happens in the atmosphere is not necessarily what is happening on the ground… Government and weather service companies provide the best information possible using existing assets. Yet despite significant investment, today’s data sources such as satellites, radar, and airport sensors do not provide frequent and dense enough data on the ground at the local level needed. Emerging safety-critical applications such as connected and autonomous vehicles require accurate, high-frequency, and hyper-local data to monitor weather impacts on roads and infrastructure and to drive operational decisions. This is possible using novel methods and algorithms that can uniquely detect and validate weather conditions leveraging thousands of public and private traffic and web cameras. Various data layers can be incorporated into the system to provide hyper-local information on fog conditions, road wetness, and snow, among others. This information assists drivers, vehicles, and fleet management in operational decision support, improving safety and reducing costs.