Pavement Design Practice in India and Comparison with other Guidelines, with Special Reference to U.S. Practice

June 27, 2018

Pavement Design Practice in India and Comparison with other Guidelines, with Special Reference to U.S. Practice

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Presenter: Dr. Animesh Das

Abstract: The current practice of structural design of bituminous and concrete pavements in India will be discussed in this seminar. The evolution of the pavement design approach - from empirical (1970) to mechanistic-empirical (2001) will be discussed briefly. The principles adopted for development of the design equations involving bottom up fatigue cracking, top down cracking and rutting will be discussed. The incorporation of cumulative damage principle for load stress as well as thermal stress (for concrete pavement) and the interplay between mix design and pavement design (for bituminous pavement) will be critically examined. The design considerations for special purpose pavements including bituminous pavement with cemented base or sub-base, perpetual pavement, stage construction, and pavements with emerging materials will be highlighted. Comparisons will made with the contemporary design practice followed in other countries, specifically the United States. Finally, some research challenges in the area of pavement design will be identified. 

Dr. Animesh Das is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India. Dr. Das’s area of interest is pavement material characterization, analysis, design and evaluation. As a researcher, he is interested in both theoretical and experimental studies in pavement engineering. He has published more than fifty papers in scientific journals of repute. He has co-authored a text book titled ‘Principles of Transportation Engineering' published by the Prentice-Hall of India (currently known as PHI learning) in 2003 and authored another book titled ‘Analysis of Pavement Structures’ published by CRC Press - Taylor and Francis Group in 2014. He has received numerous awards in recognition to his contribution in his field. To name a few, Young Engineer Award in 2004 from Indian National Academy of Engineers (INAE), IRCPt. Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Award in 2006 from Indian Roads Congress (IRC), Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Fellowship in 2012 by United States India Educational Foundation
(USIEF) etc. 


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